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Last night I watched Nick Offerman’s American Ham where he discussed his 10 Tips for a Prosperous Life. While I found all of this extremely humorous! I also found it extremely simple and simple common steps that all men should follow. In a time where the art of manliness is fading Nick Offerman is holding strong. He speaks of work, sex, living life, engaging in others, and being kind.  Enough so that we felt that we should share them here. Why would we post something like this? Because its just too damn funny not to. 

1. Engage in romantic relationships. Developing a connection with another human being, making that connection a priority, and taking care of it is one of the most meaningful things that you can do. And from the perspective of mental health, loving connections with others protects us from things like depression and anxiety. Love that he started with this one! 

2. Say please and thank you. This one is so simple, yet something easily forgotten. Treat everyone with kindness and courtesy. In Shambala Buddhism, this concept is so important that entire meditation practices are devoted to practicing loving-kindness towards ourselves and then extending it to others as we are ready (including our enemies….eventually)

3. Get a hobby or discipline. Cultivating meaningful activities turns out to be an essential part of human happiness according to the research. I wonder if Nick has read the latest happiness research? 

4. Eat red meat. Nothing really more to say here….

5. Have a relationship with god (especially if it gets you sex) Another comedic tip, and this one was accompanied by a juicy story from Nick’s adolescent years! But in all seriousness, cultivating our relationship to a higher power or a larger meaning for our lives, however you understand that, is also an important ingredient to emotional well-being.

6. Go outside and remain there. Connecting with the outdoors in a culture where most of our lives are lived indoors is another factor in feeling content, grounded, and connected.

7. Avoid the mirror. This was my favorite tip of the night. He talked about representations of physical beauty that we see in film, TV, and magazines and the impossibility of measuring up to those representations. What we look like could cause us suffering, or we can choose to accept ourselves and believe we are worthy of love and belonging because of who we are vs. what we look like. This makes me think of a song by Ani DiFranco where she sings,”Love is all over the place. Nothing’s wrong with your face.” 

8. Carry a handkerchief. The girl scout motto – Be prepared! Personally, I always make sure to have a wad of paper napkins somewhere in my car and in my bag, and it is amazing how often my napkin supply has saved me!

9. Use intoxicants. I think Nick’s point here was similar to the red meat point. In moderation, there are many things in life that can add to our joy and be a source of gratitude. Also there are many everyday things that can be intoxicating – like swimming in the lake, a belly laugh, petting an adorable puppy, or breathing in the scent of the summer air – so ok, use intoxicants!

10. Paddle your own canoe. Be responsible for yourself and your life. It’s so easy to waste time blaming others or being angry with others for things that have happened in our lives, especially because these feelings are often quite legitimate (i.e. other people have hurt us).  When we do take on responsibility for ourselves, we feel better because we are empowered. Travel the path that you choose. 

So there is your weekend laughs. But seriously, laugh, love, drink, be happy, and above all eat red meat!  

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